
Showing posts from March, 2018

Week 10 Home Communication

Welcome to a very short Week 10!  We hope you enjoyed some time with family and friends over Easter, and found time to relax a little.  This week, we are racing towards the end of Term 1, with assessments and other deadlines being our priority. Hopefully, you have caught up with the seesaw posts to show case your child's learning this term - there is more coming! A HUGE congratulations to our Year 7 and Year 8 teams who participated in the PCT Competition last week!  CANTERBURY SWIMMING SPORTS -  These are being held on THURSDAY 5th April, so all the very best to those who have made it this far with their swimming achievements.  NOTE - Fish and Chips may NOT be a great option for these students this time around.  PIZZA FUNDRAISERS - Year 8 Parents A link to a google doc was emailed to you last week. Please ensure you attach your name to a date on this doc. We are yet to have one for this term - which is on the 13 April!   LEADERSHIP PROJECTS a

Week 9 Home Communication

Welcome to Week 9 (and a long Easter weekend!) What a fabulous end to last week! The PTA deserve a real pat on the back for the hard work organising yet another wonderful Gala! A huge thank you to the community who gave up their time in support of this event, and of course the huge number of children who were integral in the smooth running of the evening also.  REPORTING at CLARKVILLE  With the changes to our reporting systems at Clarkville this year, Juliana and Linda are running a series of seminars designed to inform you about this. We would like as many parents as possible to come to these.  These are all run THIS week and the seminars are about 30 minutes in duration.  Monday 26 March - 2:30pm Tuesday 27 march - 4:45pm  Wednesday 28 March - 8:00am  HEADLICE -  It would appear that head lice are with us once again... they are being rather persistent, and it does require a whole team approach to nail this! Please check your child regularly, and if they are

Week 8 Home Communication

Welcome to Week 8! TRIATHLON -  The day is here! MONDAY - weather permitting - we will be holding our annual triathlon from 11:00am - 12:30pm. Please follow all advice given on recent emails that have come out - it is VERY important we all abide by the safety procedures that have been set. NORTH CANTERBURY SWIMMING SPORTS -  This event is on THURSDAY this week and those who are part of it, will have been notified. This event is a warm up event for those children who will be heading to the Canterbury Swimming Championships later in the term. CLARKVILLE SCHOOL TWILIGHT GALA - 23 MARCH - NOT LONG TO GO NOW!  We rely on a lot of community support to run the gala. Recently, an email was sent home with how you can help, to see this information go to  https://clarkvillepta.weebly. com/twilight-gala.html .  There are plenty of ways your family can be involved. Please get in touch with  Krissie  to let her know how you can help. In Matawara, we are charged with bringing $5 p

Week 7 Home Communication

Welcome to Week 7!  Clarkville School Twilight Gala -  23 March 2018 We rely on a lot of community support to run the gala. Recently, an email was sent home with how you can help, to see this information go to  https://clarkvillepta.weebly. com/twilight-gala.html .  There are plenty of ways your family can be involved. Please get in touch with  Krissie  to let her know how you can help. In Matawara, we are charged with bringing $5 per family to help contribute to our Gala. This money will go towards purchasing the shortfall of items still needed for the Gala. TEAM UPDATE -  It is very hard to believe but we are past the half way point of the first term of this year! We are not quite sure where the time has gone, however when we reflect on what we have done with the team, it is clear we have been busy!  Here are some of the highlights that the team have identified under the umbrella of 'Leadership'... no wonder we are feeling it!  SWIMMING SPORTS - 

Week 6 Home Communication

Welcome to Week 6... WOW! This term is FLYING...!  What a fantastic time was had at our Senior Swimming Sports last Wednesday. How lucky are we, that our pool is covered, and even though the weather has chilled considerably, we were still more than comfortable as we supported the students in their races. For those children who have met the Pegasus Zone standards, you will have received information regarding the zone swimming competition. The zone swimming competition is on TUESDAY - Best of Luck!  NOTICES -  We are VERY aware that there are a large amount of notices requiring your attention presently... please ensure you return these promptly, we have many balls in the air at the moment!  GALA -  A notice outlining your child's commitment on the night, came home last week. Please ensure you understand both your commitment to this night, and your child's. There is no chocolate sales for Camp Wellington at this event this year. The fundraising opportunity for