
Showing posts from April, 2018

Welcome Back - Week 1 Home Communication

Welcome to Term 2!  We hope you had a lovely time with your families over the last couple of weeks, and are ready to start another busy term here in Matawara!  We start with Pizza with the Principal on Monday, so any children whose name was drawn from the hat, remember don't pack lunch!  Friday we have our Buddy Group Inquiry Launch Day, with the focus being on communities, and the roles and responsibilities within these. Lots of fun is planned, with it taking much of the day.  STATIONERY -  As usual, children seem to haemorrhage stationery! Last term we noticed a particular lack of red pens, pencils and rulers as the term progressed... can you please ensure your child is ready to go, day one with these things. DEVICES -  There is a distinct number of children who are not bringing their own devices, despite owning them. We encourage ALL children to bring their own device as this is the easiest and fastest way to access our learning. To avoid the drain on our t

Week 11 Home Communication

Welcome to the last week of Term 1, and boy... hasn't the term FLOWN by!  It seems like yesterday we were packing up for our camp at the start of the year, with new friends and relationships to form... yet here we are, 11 weeks later!  It has been a wonderful term, with amazing learning that has taken place, and our team has settled right into their role, as the Aspire learning community.  As we head into Term 2, we have more wonderful learning planned and plenty of excitement to  come! YEAR 8 PIZZA FUNDRAISER -  This week, we have a Year 8 pizza fundraiser on Friday - remember to place your orders on Friday morning in the Library - $3 buys you 2 pieces of pizza. SCHOOL BASED VACCINATION PROGRAMME -  This will be at school on MONDAY for those of you have signed up for this. SELF REGULATED LEARNING -  Over the last few weeks, all of Aspire have been creating an identity for a fictional character - 'Edmund.' This week all of the students need to create